08 September 2005
i remember after 9/11, and it's something i've written about before, how i would be unable to sleep nights b/c i'd be so desperate for breaking news, so fearful that news would happen while i was asleep.
right now, i'm quite content in watching a second-airing of 'countdown,' happy that no breaking news--b/c it's always bad news--is interrupting my viewing. but just b/c the networks aren't covering it doesn't mean that breaking news isn't going on. indeed, it was to my great shame that i knew nothing of the stampede that killed hundreds in iraq. something that people who rely upon the "new" media would be quite unaware of as well, and thus a problem of event-driven news coverage (and the great strength of npr and 'the newshour.')
posted by fred [link] 12:08 AM