07 September 2005
four different terms are being used in the discourse: conservative, republican, liberal, and democrat. who's idea was homeland security, rush asks? joe lieberman, a democrat! hey, hey, wait one second: democrat doesn't translate to liberal* (although republican should = conservative, if they know what's good for them). this comes up in rush's attack on hillary clinton for introducing legislation that would make fema an independent federal program. "if heads are going to roll, congress's heads should roll too!" again, this is the thinking that results in lynndie england: executives aren't to blame; footsoldiers are. (hey, aren't these the people that believe in the trickle-down effect? or is that only for economics?)
*another problem for air america: according to the right nation, while identification as republican and democrat is near 50/50, 41% of people call themselves conservative, whereas only 19% call themselves liberals. the conservative echo chamber has made "liberal" into a bad word--and you know how they feel about bad words.
posted by fred [link] 12:50 PM