07 September 2005
from one great radio person to another is a short distance to travel. however, the distance between the political ideologies of randi rhodes and michael savage is, perhaps, untraversable.
savage is a great radio guy. he knows how to use it and he knows its value. he's a rare sort, a guy who could probably do a show on any topic. (recently, he's even taken to doing less politics on the show.)
savage, as michael weiner (savage haters, take this one down: weiner, whiner, it works no matter how you pronounce it!), has a ph.d. in nutritional ethnomedicine, which means he's big on herbs and homeopathy and junk. (not the most pro-business attitude, is it? what about the poor drug companies?) he's written 18 books, and most of them aren't political. (one of them is a novel, whose protagonist bears a lot of resemblance to his author. he is attracted to "masculine beauty," but fights to keep it down. so to speak.)
his show begins w/ chugging metallica and motley crue riffs: from beginning to end, it's manly. indeed, to such an extreme that one wonders if, by taking a new name, savage has created a character, a distaff "ann coulter."
but i don't think so.
posted by fred [link] 5:59 PM