break ... iv. to make a way through, or lay open by breaking; to penetrate; to open up. 16. b. to solve (a code or cipher); to decipher.

07 September 2005
from one great radio person to another is a short distance to travel. however, the distance between the political ideologies of randi rhodes and michael savage is, perhaps, untraversable.

savage is a great radio guy. he knows how to use it and he knows its value. he's a rare sort, a guy who could probably do a show on any topic. (recently, he's even taken to doing less politics on the show.)

savage, as michael weiner (savage haters, take this one down: weiner, whiner, it works no matter how you pronounce it!), has a ph.d. in nutritional ethnomedicine, which means he's big on herbs and homeopathy and junk. (not the most pro-business attitude, is it? what about the poor drug companies?) he's written 18 books, and most of them aren't political. (one of them is a novel, whose protagonist bears a lot of resemblance to his author. he is attracted to "masculine beauty," but fights to keep it down. so to speak.)

his show begins w/ chugging metallica and motley crue riffs: from beginning to end, it's manly. indeed, to such an extreme that one wonders if, by taking a new name, savage has created a character, a distaff "ann coulter."

but i don't think so.

posted by fred [link] 5:59 PM 0 comments
all text, unless otherwise noted, (c) 2005 fred solinger. please do not use without permission.

my name is fred solinger. on wednesday, september 7, i will provide running commentary on seventeen straight hours of running commentary, opinion, and straight news from a variety of radio stations and television networks. my objective is to be objective ... beyond that, i'm not quite sure, but hopefully it'll be more lucid at 4am, when all of this is over. one thing is for sure: i won't be lucid at that hour.

links to the monitored programs, arranged ideologically*, in alphabetical order, lest i be charged w/ bias:

the fair & balanced:
all things considered
countdown w/ keith olbermann
the daily show w/ jon stewart
dayside w/ linda vester
hannity & colmes
hardball w/ chris matthews
the newshour w/ jim lehrer
nightline w/ ted koppel
the o'reilly factor

the left:
the al franken show
the majority report w/ sam seder & janeane garofalo
media matters
the randi rhodes show
springer on the radio

the right:
media research center
the rush limbaugh show
the savage nation w/ michael savage
scarborough country w/ joe scarborough
the sean hannity show
the situation w/ tucker carlson

*that is, when the host has an avowed political position; otherwise, they are assumed to be independent. this is as applicable to bill o'reilly, who leans right, as it is to jon stewart, who leans left.

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